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Product experience& Case Studies

Project Examples

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Product Matching 

A client's objective was to move a formula of one of their own products from a co-packer to internal production.  Formula was owned by co-packer and unknown to client. We worked closely with Product Development to match the sensory properties of the prototypes as well as shelf life performance to current product. After several iterations the product was ready to internalize which increased margins substantially.

New Product Launch 

A start-up client had technology and ideas but no products to launch yet. In a multi-step process we engaged target consumers to co-create branding, messaging, packaging, and eventually the final consumer facing product. Online Social Media Communities, in-person Cooking With's, as well as quantitative Home Use Studies gave us feedback for improvement opportunities that ensured a successful launch with much media attention.

 Legal Claims Testing 

The client asked how their product compared to the competition. A Central Location Test showed that the client's product was significantly superior to the market leader. Due to the strong data the client decided to enter a legal claims substantiation test that was ultimately won and a claim of 'preferred over...' is aiding the marketing efforts of the team.

Product improvement 

A dairy client came to us with the objective to improve their plant-based yogurt flavor profile as part of a larger product renovation process. Several rounds of bench tastings with the team followed by a Consumer Test gave us fascinating insights into what consumers value in a yogurt flavor. After we made the final recommendation based on consumer insights the client re-launched the new flavors and shares are improving at a fast rate.

Competitive Analysis 

Understanding the competitive landscape and possible white space was one of our client's wishes. We mapped out a research plan for a multi stage approach that involved the client's cross-functional team. Shopping, tasting, mapping out differences in exercises with the team were fun and insightful and resulted in a final set of products that was subjected to descriptive analysis and consumer research. The multi-faceted results were analyzed and plotted, insights and recommendations were developed. The client now has a multi-year pipeline developed based o this work. Renovation, innovation and cost-savings efforts weer all based on the outcome of this study as well as talking points for sales associates when meeting with their buyers.

Corporate Sensory Training

A team came to us with the wish to improve their team cutting process. The concern was that team members weren't using descriptors but rather like or dislike to comments on prototypes - therefore iterating on any prototype was impossible. We carefully developed a sensory training that covered key attributes of their main products and trained cross-functional teams on recognizing those attributes. In addition we implemented an improved tasting process wit clear roles and responsibilities. Cuttings are now more productive, iterations happen and the training was liked so much that this company is now asking us to implement a production quality sensory  program as well.


Methods We Might Employ

ConCentric Product Solutions always works closely with your teams to determine the best path to a particular project goal. We will identify and employ methods that will give you actionable insights. 

Consumer Research Methods

  • Voice of the Customer

  • Claim Substantiation Tests

  • Central Location Tests (CLTs)

  • In-Home-Use Tests (IHUT's)

  • Product/Concept Tests

  • Confirmatory Tests

  • Sensory Guidance Tests

  • Social Media Qualitative Boards

  • Focus Groups

  • 1x1 Interviews

  • Consumer Co-Creation Sessions

  • Competitive Landscape Analysis

  • Customer 1x1 interviews

  • Cooking With

Team Methods

We can do these with your existing staff:

  • Team Judgement

  • Shelf life testing (organoleptic)

  • Discrimination Tests

  • Competitive Landscape Analysis

  • Team Innovation Brainstorming

  • Rapid Prototyping

  • Market Treks

  • Sensory Training and Process Implementation/Improvement

  • Production Quality Sensory Training and Program Implementation

Other Services

  • ​Expert Taste Panel Profiling

  • Taste with teams and advise

  • Fill-in on-site or remotely during times of capacity need in Sensory 

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